Staples girls, Warde boys top state soccer coaches polls

The recently-crowned conference champion Staples girls soccer team and the FCIAC runner-up Fairfield Warde boys soccer team were both ranked No. 1 in their respective state coaches Class LL-L polls when state tournament play commenced this past Saturday (Nov. 9) with the qualifying rounds. The strength of FCIAC girls soccer is evident in that three … Read more

Ludlowe rallies past Westhill for FCIAC volleyball crown

FAIRFIELD — Facing a 2-1 deficit after being dominated by Westhill in the third set, the Ludlowe volleyball team was in a backs-to-the-wall scenario. Coach Megan Skelton had a simple message for her Falcons: Forget about it. “My first comment to them was ‘in five seconds, that is done,’ and I counted down,” Skelton said … Read more

Smith’s goal, defense deliver Staples past St. Joseph, to school’s fifth FCIAC title

WILTON — In a physical game full of hard challenges and fouls, it was fitting the only score came off a set piece. Autumn Smith was able to convert on Gabby Gonzalez’s free kick with 33 minutes left in the second half, and the Staples defense made the goal stand up as the top-seeded Wreckers … Read more

Playing for Sebe, Trumbull beats Warde for another FCIAC title

NORWALK—Somewhere, Sebe is looking down and smiling. Last year the Trumbull boys soccer team won the FCIAC title playing for its coach Sebastian Gangemi, who was battling cancer. This season the Eagles were back in the final, but this time they were playing for Gangemi’s memory after the longtime coach died in May. To say … Read more

After scoreless tie, Darien and Staples share FCIAC field hockey crown

NORWALK — Coaches and players have their own feelings about co-championships. On the one hand, you get to take home a winning medal and the title that comes with it, but on the other, it sure would’ve been nice to play the game out until the end. Whatever the case, one thing is certain: The … Read more

FCIAC playoff schedule: Field hockey, boys soccer finals moved to 6 p.m.

The FCIAC will crown three champions as the finals in field hockey and boys and girls soccer are held on Thursday night. With a forecast of cold and rain, the start times for the field hockey and boys soccer finals have been moved up one hour to 6 p.m. The girls soccer final will remain … Read more