FCIAC student sports article: St. Joseph girls soccer blanks Trumbull, remains perfect

It was the first matchup of the year between cross town rivals St. Joe’s and Trumbull, and St. Joe’s girls soccer showed their dominance. Tuesday’s game was quite the scoring frenzy with five goals being scored before halftime and six goals in total. Three goals came from junior forward Sara Parker, two goals came from … Read more

FCIAC student sports article: St. Joseph boys’ soccer scores late, forges tie with Westhill

Despite what has started off as a somewhat rocky season for St. Joseph boys’ soccer, The Cadets came through with a 2-2 draw against Westhill, which is currently ranked fourth in the FCIAC standings. Tension for the game was high as Westhill was coming off of a 4-1 win against Stamford as well as four … Read more

FCIAC student sports article: Brien McMahon volleyball sets high goals this fall

The Brien McMahon varsity volleyball team is excited to dive further into the season this fall. Starting off strong with six wins in 11 games, the Senators were able to bring home victories against Stamford (twice), Weston, Masuk, West Haven and Dabury After a recent 3-2 win over Stamford, the team is excited to compete … Read more

FCIAC student sports article: A Peek into Fairfield Ludlowe football’s strong start in 2023

Whether it is conditioning or running plays, there has been a lot of hard work and dedication poured into the Falcon’s season before it even started. The team has been preparing since early summer, and we were finally able to see the payoff of their hard work in the first few games of the season. … Read more

2023 Chappa Invitational Golf Tournament Results

2023 Chappa Tournament Played at Longshore GC, Par 34-35 69 1 Greenwich (Owen Duda, Emmett Graham) 29-32 61 2T Westhill (Angad Manaise, Samir Muslim) 32-30 62 2T Trumbull (Yuvi Kapoor, Aryial Gautam) 31-31 62 4 Wilton (Thomas Rogozinski, Hudson Hagmann) 30-33 63 5 Warde (John Casella, Liam Blanc) 31-33 64 6T Fairfield Prep (Caden Piselli, … Read more

FCIAC student sports article: Brien McMahon girls soccer holds high expectations

The McMahon girls soccer team is 1-2-1 and is expecting to keep winning as the season goes on. “We wanted to play, I liked what I saw,” said Head Coach Angelo Tsingerliotis. With the team’s effort and optimism, McMahon’s girls soccer team starts the season picking up a 2-1 win against Stamford High. Abby Ortolano, … Read more