CIAC asks to resume conditioning; Board of Control will meet again Sunday

The following is from the CIAC’s website, CHESHIRE, Conn. – The CIAC Board of Control met this morning to review last night’s discussion with the DPH and establish a timeline for decisions on the start of fall sports. The CIAC has requested that the DPH consider allowing our member schools to resume the non-contact … Read more

Schools face challenging logistics moving forward for fall sports season

The week started with a no for high school football players, shifted to a yes for all athletes two days later, and concluded with a definite maybe on Friday. The roller coaster ride only added to the uncertainty ahead. But even with fall sports presently on hold while the CIAC’s Board of Control awaits a meeting with … Read more

CIAC moves ahead with fall sports plan

The following is from the CIAC’s website, Click here for the full post To view the CIAC’s 2020 fall sports plan, click here CHESHIRE, Conn. -The CIAC Board of Control met at 2PM on Wednesday August 12 as part of its planned review of the official fall sports plan, which was approved on July … Read more

Coaches, administrators pleased CIAC moving forward with fall sports

The decision to move forward with fall sports by the CIAC’s Board of Control on Wednesday was praised by coaches and committee members, who said the CIAC put in a lot of time, thought and effort into its plan. The decision follows several days of committee meetings for each of the fall sports, with each … Read more

CIAC Board of Control: All fall sports will go on as planned in 2020

Fall sports in Connecticut will go on as planned, the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference announced Wednesday afternoon following an anticipated vote by its Board of Control. Click here for the complete story

CIAC releases fall sports plan

The following is from the CIAC’s website, To view the CIAC’s 2020 fall sports plan, click here The CIAC has released its plan for a return to interscholastic athletics this fall. A point of emphasis throughout the development of this plan is the fluid nature of planning around COVID. While sports in Connecticut have … Read more

FCIAC donates to Meals for McMahon and Norwalk High food drive

The FCIAC donated $3,000 to a pair of Norwalk school food programs which provided meals to families in need during the coronavirus pandemic. Using funds raised from its annual golf outing, the FCIAC gave $1,500 each to Meals for McMahon and the Norwalk High School Athletics Virtual Food Drive on Friday, July 17, at Oak … Read more

Coaches Corner: Sheena Carpenter, Stamford

Sheena J. Carpenter Stamford Boys’ Volleyball Years as head coach: 3 (coached team since its inaugural season) Other teams coached or currently coaching: Quinnipiac College (4years), and Wilbur Cross (4 years) Full-time profession: Teaching Physical Education for 34 years total (PE & Health Education at Stamford HS for the last 13 years). I started my … Read more