No. 1 Norwalk, No. 4 Trumbull lead FCIAC girls basketball into homestretch

There would be no letdown for the Norwalk High School girls basketball last week after coach Ricky Fuller’s Bears snatched the No. 1 ranking in the GameTimeCT Top 10 Girls Basketball Poll, which was released Jan. 30. Coach Ricky Fuller’s Bears continued to move on in a positive manner with another pair of impressive victories … Read more

Girls Baskeball: Rene, No. 1 Norwalk wear down Danbury, deny DiNardo win 500

NORWALK — The Norwalk girls basketball team was not hitting outside shots early against Danbury. Fortunately for the Bears, senior forwards Sanaa Boyd and Naeva Rene were there to gather the misses on the offensive glass. Danbury hung with the No. 1-ranked Bears for most of three quarters but eventually found their inside play too … Read more

Gibbens’ 3-pointer off steal lifts New Canaan over McMahon in another wild finish

NORWALK – With its second miraculous finish in less than a month, you have to start thinking there’s something special about this year’s New Canaan Rams basketball team. With the Rams trailing Brien McMahon by one with 7.2 seconds to play, New Canaan junior Alex Gibbens intercepted an inbounds pass at half-court, dribbled twice, squared … Read more

44-point performance puts Darien’s Will Rolapp in elite company

Will Rolapp has been one of the top shooters for the Darien boys basketball team during the past two years. On Thursday night in Fairfield, he took his game to an elite level. Rolapp racked up a career-best 44 points, also the high mark for the FCIAC this winter, while leading the Blue Wave to … Read more

Boys Basketball: St. Pierre, Ridgefield plow past Wilton

With their team ahead by 21 points in the fourth quarter, Ridgefield fans had a question for their Wilton counterparts in the bleachers across the court. “Why so quiet?” chanted the Ridgefield student section several times in unison. Fittingly, the Wilton fans had no response — by that point it was clear their team had … Read more

Six seniors are the heart of No. 4-ranked Trumbull girls basketball team

TRUMBULL — It is black vs. gold. During every Trumbull girls basketball practice the intensity rivals that of some games as the starting unit goes against the reserves. The gold unit are the starters, but it is the five in black putting them to the test day in and day out. Click here for more

Norwalk the new No. 1 in the GameTimeCT Top 10 Girls Basketball Poll

For the second time since the preseason, we have a new No. 1. Thanks to a 49-47 road victory over New London Saturday, unbeaten Norwalk is now the No. 1 team in all the land. The Bears are the first to be a unanimous pick, picking up 19 first-place votes. Click here for more

New Canaan boys basketball improves to 11-3 with win over Norwalk

NEW CANAAN — It was only fitting that on Teacher Appreciation Night, the New Canaan Rams’ basketball team put on a veritable clinic, schooling the Norwalk Bears 65-49 in front of a large and raucous crowd at New Canaan High School. The Rams turned a 14-12 deficit with 30 seconds left in the opening stanza … Read more

On cusp of milestone, Danbury’s DiNardo focused on memories, not numbers

DANBURY — Jackie DiNardo pulls out an aging folder and under the tab marked “basketball,” there are numbers. Some are in blue ink. Some are in black. Some are whited out. On the other side, as the years and victories mount, there is an onslaught of red and black magic marker. “I have had this … Read more

No. 2 Norwalk rallies from 11 down to knock off No. 1 New London

NEW LONDON — There will be a new No. 1. Trailing by 11 in the third quarter, on the road against the No. 1 team in the state, No. 2 Norwalk kept its composure and began chipping away. Switching to a zone defense in an attempt to slow down New London, the Bears whittled the … Read more