Greenwich High School “Cardinals”

Greenwich, CT 06830
Pincipal: Ralph Mayo
Athletic Director: Pete Georgiou
Athletic Director’s Phone: 203-625-8050
I-95 South:
Take exit 4 (Indian Field Road). Take a right at the end of the exit. Continue on Indian Field Road until you come to the Boston Post Road (Route 1). Take a left at the light and go to the first traffic light on Route 1. At the light take a right onto Hillside Road. The school is on the left, take the 4th entrance.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) South:
Take exit 31 (North Street). At the end of the exit take a right (south) onto North Street. Continue to immediatedte left before first traffic light (Fairfield Road) . Take that left and Hillside Road will be on your right. Turn right onto Hillside Road and take the first entrance to the school.
I-95 South:
Take exit 3 (Arch Street). At the end of the exit take a right. Pass under the railroad bridge and take your 2nd left onto Soundview Drive. You will take a right onto Field Point Road. The Town Hall is on your right. Park in the lot beyond it and the field is below.
I-95 South:
Take exit 4 (Indian Field Road). Take a right at the end of the exit onto Indian Field Road. Continue to the Boston Post Road (Route 1). At the light take a left and proceed approximately .5 miles to the top of a long hill. Opposite a stone church take a left onto Milbank Avenue. Go approximately .3 of a mile to a small traffic circle, go left around the circle and take your 2nd right. The field is on the left.
I-95 South:
Take exit 2 (Delevan Road). At the end of the exit take a right onto Byram Road. There is a stop sign at the bottom of the hill. The next right is Sherman Avenue. Go right and the rink is on top of the hill on the left.