New Canaan High School “Rams”

New Canaan, CT 06840
Principal: William Egan
Athletic Director: Jay Egan
Athletic Director’s Phone: 203-594-4638
I-95 North:
Take exit 15 (Route 7 Norwalk/Danbury). Stay to the left on the exit ramp and take exit 2 (Route 123 New Canaan Avenue). At the end of the ramp (about 2 miles) turn right. Go .3 mile to the next light and turn right onto Route 123 going north. Follow Route 123 for approximately 3 miles. (You will pass under the Merritt Parkway and pass the National Guard Armory on your right). About .9 mile from there you will take the first left onto Old Norwalk Road. Continue to the end and you will come to a 4-way intersection. Take a left and an immediate right onto Farm Road (diagonally across). Go to the light at the top of the hill which is the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue. Continue straight on Farm Road. The second turn is the entrance to New Canaan High School.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Take exit 37 (Route 124 or South Avenue). At the end of the exit take a left. Follow Route 124 one mile to light. At light take a left onto Farm Road. School is on the left.
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. When you get to the light at the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue take a left and the school is immediately on your left.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Follow directions to New Canaan High School. Before you come to the light the school and field will be on your right.
I-95 North:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. At the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue take a left at the light. The entrance to the park will be your first right. It is across from the Church of Latter Day Saints on your left. Travel about .5 mile into park bearing right. The fields are on the right.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Follow directions to New Canaan High School. After you take a left off the Parkway you will see the Church of Latter Day Saints on your right. Directly across from the church is the entrance to park.
I-95 North:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. Just before you get to the light at the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue the field will be on your left near the top of the hill. Parking and entrance to the field are beyond the field on the left by the school.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. At the light at the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue take a right instead of a left to the High School. Park in area on the right by the school.
I-95 North:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. Continue past the High School to a stop sign. Turn right onto Old Stamford Road. Continue 1 mile to Park Street. Take a left onto Park Street and about .3 mile the park will be on the left. There is no sign, watch for a low metal fence and one-way sign. Baseball field is on the left.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. Continue past the High School to a stop sign. Turn right onto Old Stamford Road. Continue for 1 mile to Park Street. Take a left onto Park Street and about .3 mile the park will be on the left. There is no sign, watch for a low metal fence and one-way sign. Baseball field is on the left.
I-95 North and South:
Follow the directions to New Canaan High School. At the intersection of Farm Road and South Avenue take a left at the light. Go pass Saxe Middle School and the 2nd left is the entrance.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Follow directions to New Canaan High School. The YMCA will be about .8 mile on your right off the exit.
I-95 North:
Follow directions to New Canaan High School. Instead of taking a left onto Old Norwalk Road, continue straight on Route 123. From the time you get onto Route 123 the distance to Country Club Road is 6.6 miles. Take a left onto Country Club Road and the course will be on your right.
Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) North:
Take exit 38 (Route 123). At the end of the exit go north onto Route 123. Approximately 3.6 miles you will take a left onto Country Club Road