Being named a captain of a high school sports team is a huge honor for athletes. Those who earn the captain’s role are leaders for their peers both on and off the field, and take on a great responsibility to their teammates and coaches. The FCIAC is honoring these leaders with the “Meet The Captains” feature. Throughout the fall season, each captain will be recognized on FCIAC.net, complete with photos and a comment from their coaches.
Congratulations to all of our fall captains!
Maggie Doran, Darien
School Year: Senior
Sport: Cross country
Other Sports: Track and field
Extracurricular activities: Treasurer for SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and SGB (Student Governing Board); GNO (Girls Night Out), which is a group for girls empowerment that meets twice a month to have dinner and talk about anything and everything; Volunteer for Darien Youth Center (The Depot) at various events around town, from face painting at the sidewalk sales to running a game booth at the Tokeneke Pumpkin Fair.
Head Coach Stephen Norris: “Four season runner who is in her 10th season of cross country/track.”