Quarterfinals set for FCIAC girls lacrosse tournament

The Darien Blue Wave and New Canaan Rams lead a strong field of eight teams into the FCIAC girls lacrosse tournament, which will get underway with a pair of games on Thursday.

Below are the match-ups for the quarterfinals. New Canaan and Darien are holding their proms on Friday night, so their home games were moved up one day.

FCIAC Quarterfinals

Thursday, May 16

No. 8 Trumbull (6-4) at No. 1 Darien (10-0), 4:30 p.m. (time change)

No. 7 Greenwich (6-4) at No. 2 New Canaan (9-1), 6:30 p.m. (time change)

Friday, May 17

No. 6 Ludlowe (7-4) at No. 3 Staples (10-0), 4 p.m.

No. 5 Wilton (6-4) at No. 4 Ridgefield (7-3), 5 p.m.

Note: Records shown are official FCIAC games. Not all games played between league teams were part of the official league schedule.

FCIAC Semifinals at Norwalk HS

Monday, May 20, 5 and 7 p.m.

Note: Highest remaining seed as choice of game time

FCIAC Championship at Norwalk HS

Wednesday, May 22, 7 p.m.

The eight playoff teams were determined using a power point system. Teams are awarded 100 points for each official league victory, and 10 bonus points for every league win that opponent has. While the power point system was used to determine qualifiers, it was not used to determine final seedings.

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