FCIAC thanks its Athletic Trainers during Athletic Training Month

The FCIAC would like to acknowledge our wonderful Athletic Trainers during March for Athletic Training Month.  These men and women work tirelessly to keep our athletes on the field or get them back as soon and safely as possible.  Their role goes way beyond taping, diagnosing and rehabilitating injuries as they can be the unsung hero’s in athletic programs as they serve as invaluable mentors and guides while playing a crucial role in treating an athlete.

Why our schools have athletic trainers:

Athletic Training currently requires a masters level education, encompass the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries, medical conditions and emergency medicine.  Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA), Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) and the department of Health and Human Services HHS as a allied health care profession.

But their roles encompass so much more.  They are the one training the coaches in CPR, first aid and AED use, preparing them for emergency situations and working with teams on injury prevention.  They also serve as invaluable mentors, mental health advocates, educators and role models to student-athletes.   They understand that sports have a mental aspect that is just as important as the physical part.  They help athletes with mental adversity, create a safe space for vulnerability, implement mental skills into training, offering support during high-stress situations, fostering resilience through adversity and help overcome anxiety driven situations.

Even though there is a national shortage of athletic trainers, the FCIAC is very fortunate to have an exceptional group for healthcare professionals watching over our athletes and schools.  They certainly treat our athletes from head to toe.

Happy National Athletic Training Month


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